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Katze frisst nicht viel

von Laura S.

my dad has two female cats, both four years old. one of them is pretty much the „alpha“ she‘s the naughty one who likes attention, the other one has always been very shy and is always scared even of slightest noises...the naughty cat eats a little too much because she is pretty round and eats way faster than the other kitty. i‘m afraid that she’s eating the food so fast that the other kitty doesn’t have enough time to eat as much as she would like to... even when we separate them to eat the shy kitty doesn’t eat all of the food even though she’s given the time... it seems that she doesn’t really like any food, we‘ve tried some different types of food but no matter what is in it or wether it’s dry or wet food she doesn’t eat a lot. i don’t know if she’s too thin because we can’t compare her to her chubbier companion... my dad thinks it’s too much work to separate them each day to give them food and because i only stay at his place twice a week i can’t feed them separately each day. help!!

Tierärztin Dr. Bettina Schmidt

Antwort von Tierärztin Dr. Bettina Schmidt

Dear Ms.S.,
I would say that a check up at the vet would be good. So you can get to know wether the shy cat is really to thin or not.
The other question is wether the bigger cat keeps the thin cat from eating or not. When you are thinking that the thin and shy cat has stress during eating, then it would be better to separate them. Otherwise it is not nessery. But if the vet says that the cat is really too thin you should let check the thyroid and if there is no problem your dad should try the separate feeding over a longer time.
Kind regards, B. Schmidt

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